Configure upnp remotely


Is there a way to use cnMaestro to enable upnp on the R201 and R190W remotely? I have the overrides enabled so we can configure the ssid and wpa keys already, but lately we have been getting customers that need upnp enabled on their routers for online gaming and when we manually make the change in the router we get an out of sync error on those routers on cnMasetro. I've tried searching for the override line but couldn't find it in the forum.

Hi ,

You can push below configs from cnMaestro, "user defined overrides" to enable upnp.




Finally got a chance to test this out. Added the two lines into the useroverrides and resynced. Verified that upnp was enabled after the change. Thanks.

Do you know if there will be an option to have it as a individual user over ride to enable and disable when not needed?


I will raise one enhancement  , we will try to get it in future release.



Was this ever added as an option and is this still the only way to push this to profiles?

Hi Andino ,

Its still not added as Option . Now you have option of pushing these configuration through template on cnMaestro.


That would be the user-defined overrides correct?

No , Instead of AP Group . Now you can create template and push only configuration which needs change . It will not disturbed existing configuration on router .
Below is one example of DMZ teplate .