Configuring Guest Access Portal Splash Page

Hi folks, I´m trying to set up the splash page but I have a couple of doubts: when I enter the Terms & Conditions Title it shows up twice, as Title and inside the T&C box, is that normal ?? can I correct that ?? Besides, I can´t see the 

Terms Agree Button & Terms Cancel Button, where are them ??

1. I trying to set up the splash page but I have a couple of doubts: when I enter the Terms & Conditions Title it shows up twice, as Title and inside the T&C box, is that normal ??

[RM] : Displaying T&C title twice is as expected.

2. Terms Agree Button & Terms Cancel Button, where are them ??
[RM] : Right now we have an issue for Terms Agree Button and Terms Cancel Button, it will be fixed on next release.
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