This document describes how to configure CnMaestro for paid internet using Paypal and also explains how to create buttons on CnMaestro and acquire PDT identity token from Paypal website . This allows clients to connect after paying through their paypal account or their debit/credit card
Product details and software version support
- Devices supported : cnPilot Access Points.
- Minimum cnPilot Software Version : 3.0-b24
- Minimum cnMaestro Software Version: 1.5.0
Procedure for Configuring Paypal on Cnmaestro:
- Admin should have a paypal merchant account
Configuration on CnMaestro:
- Guest Access Portal tab on CnMaestro has three different access types:
- Free
- Paid
- Voucher
- Guest Access Portal tab on CnMaestro has three different access types:
Procedure to enable Paypal:
- We need to check in Paid and Enable button to use Paypal Payment gateway
- Auto return URL : Auto return URL is created automatically once we enable Paypal Payment Gateway
- PDT Identity token : You must acquire a PDT identity token from paypal website . Procedure for acquiring PDT identity token is shown in next immediate section of this document
- Use Sandbox : You have to enable Sandbox only when you are using sandbox paypal account as merchant site . It is mandatory to enable sandbox on CnMaestro when you are using sandbox account
- Update Button Code : Currently you can provide two price options(buttons) for buying internet for the user with session duration . For this you must acquire Button code from paypal website and configure here .Click on Update Button Code and paste the button code obtained from Paypal website as shown below . Procedure for acquiring button code is shown in section 3 of this document
- Once button code is updated , we get different buttons[options] to buy internet . Currently only two buttons are supported
- Session Duration : Session duration is configured against each button . It is mandatory to use session duration against each button .
Paid Tab Parameters are as shown below
- Client Rate Limit contains options downlink and uplink configurable in terms of Kbps for limiting the data transferred to the client. If left black, it means no limit.
Client Quota Limit defines the quota limit for the client. Which means, once client connected, if the client completes the configured quota limit, client may not access the internet even the session duration not completed.
- If client qouta limit is conigured as none, means no quota limit.
- If configured Directional with uplink and downlink, means anyone triggers, stop the internet access.
- If configured Total, means combined data quota limit exceeds, stop the internet access.
- Voucher Device Limit means, parallel how many clients can login with the same voucher code, by default it is empty, which means, only one client can connect with voucher code.
Procedure for Acquiring PDT identity token on Paypal Website
- Login to with your paypal account
- Click on Profile---àProfiles and settings as shown below
- Click on Selling Tools---àWebsites and Preferences [You Need to click on update]
- Configure Return URL on Websites and Payments Preference Page as shown below . Please copy the Auto return URL from the CnMaestro Guest access page as shown in above section and paste it on Return URL as shown below.
- Please save the PDT identity token on the website payment preference as shown. You need to configure this identity token on CnMaestro Guest Access Portal Page , which was explained earlier in above section
- Other setting on Websites and Payments page is are as shown below . Once Completed Save the page
Procedure for Paypal Buttons on Paypal Website
- Login to with your paypal account
- Click on Profile--->Profiles and settings as shown on step 2 of Procedure for Acquiring PDT identity token on Paypal Website
- Click on Selling Tools---àWebsites and Paypal button as shown [Need to click on update]
- Click on Create Button as shown
- Here you will have different options to configure as shown below
- Choose button type . Choose Buy Now
- Configure Item Name of your choice
- Click on add drop-down menu with price/option . Currently two buttons are supported on CnMaestro
- Click on Create Button
- Once button is created , You can edit /view button code as shown
- Click on View code and code looks like as shown below . Please copy this code and paste it on “Update Button code “ on Guest access portal page of CnMaestro Page which was shown in above sections
- After configuring PDT identity token and Update Button code on CnMaestro , Splash Page will look as below: