Long story short, our cnMaestro X instance was about to downgrade to Essentials when we rushed ordered around 2k licenses (many thousands of dollars). It downgraded and the same day we entered the entitlement to upgrade. Turns out the entitlement was missing around 35 licenses due to a mistake in the quote by our vendor (they counted some devices as not needing a license when they do). As a result of the downgrade all our users got locked out of cnMaetro because we were using the RADIUS authentication which is a cnMaestro X feature.
After much troubleshooting, since it wasn’t clear what the issue was, we had to go in, get a temporary recovery login, enter and start deleting the few device slots we needed in order to get cnMaestro X up and running again. It was either this or wait various days until a quote/order was processed for the missing slots.
Considering the difference between the slots missing and the amount purchased was less than 2%, I find that having to go through all the hoops and being locked out of cnMaestro for a measly handful of slots is absurd.
Should we have have better prepared in anticipation of the license renewals? Yes. Still, spending for 2k licenses only for the system to shut you down because you are missing just 1 is insane.
Please reconsider this strict policy of slot differences and allow some leeway when upgrading. If the difference is less than 5% it should let you upgrade since the devices without slots won’t be able to be managed in cnMaestro anyways.