Customer Based Install Program

I’m in the early research phase of designing and programming a basic gui for customer based installs. As I have plenty of familiarity with java, javafx, I was looking to use this as my base. The gui and computer backend is the easy part. Where my question lays though is pulling certain key parts of information from the radio. Mainly signal and cinr levels. I have been researching but have come up empty on any known libraries or similar projects for reference. Anyone else look into this kind of project before? This is geared for the older gemtek/cambium 3.65 as well as 2.4/900 sm as that is what the wisp I work for mainly uses. I was told they have tried self installs in the past but have had issues with it but having a gui as simple as speed with an easy to follow interface creating a security barrier between the customer and radio instead of handing over sensitive information would alleviate said issues. Any tips and suggestions would greatly be appreciated and if this project works well for us I may offer final release versions later for other wisps looking to do the same.

You may want to post this request in the PMP area and/or ePMP area of the Community - and also the PMP Your Stories area. That will ge t this to the right people.

Ok thank you I shall try that as well. Seeing as this was a WISP specific issue I thought this might be the right area but if I am mistaken I am sorry.