Deauthenticated Event CnPilot E400

Scenario 1: (same time for both HT and AP)

HT log (MAC AC3FA4D33C90)

2020/01/21 11:55:03 00004960 [INFO:0x4] PKT-DAISOWhs,wpa2psk,aes,n,ch11,-66,58c17a155a20

2020/01/21 11:55:03 00016908 [INFO:0x4] Connected:infra,PKT-DAISOWhs,wpa2psk,aes,11,n,72

2020/01/21 11:57:13 00008282 [WARN:0x4] Deauthenticated Event

2020/01/21 11:57:13 00009685 [INFO:0x4] LinkLost.


AP log (MAC 58c17a155a20)

WIFI_CLIENT_CONNECTED           - AC-3F-A4-D3-3C-90 -> PKT-DAISOWhs 21/1/2020 11:55

WIFI_CLIENT_EROAM_DISCONNECTED   - Client [AC-3F-A4-D3-3C-90] with snr [23] disconnected from wireless lan [PKT-DAISOWhs] due to enhanced roaming threshold [25]             21/1/2020 11:57

Based on above log, i noticed that the HT scanner received de-authentication request from AP when the AP activates the function enhanced roaming.

Can i know how to avoid HT from keep disconnecting from AP?


looks like on radio SNR threshold set to 25 and client connected with SNR 23, you can keep it lower values based on your site survey for the location.

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Today we try to disable the enhanced roaming, air fairness and set session timeout and inactivity timeout to max. 

we will monitor today RF usage and performance.