I can't seem to find any information regarding the Device Backup/Restore section of the tree. Does this actually backup the configuration of the selected devices to the WM server? What is the difference between backup from device and backup from database? Is it possible to automate the configuration backup process?
Hi Chris,
Please find my response inline.
Does this actually backup the configuration of the selected devices to the WM server?
What is the difference between backup from device and backup from database?
[Backup from device - This option will take a backup of device directly from device. Backup from Database - This option will take backup of device from database of WM]
Is it possible to automate the configuration backup process?
[Backup from device/database - These backup options cannot be automated, but there is another way to backup whole database and some configuration files from WM.
We can setup automatic backup of database in WM by configuring “BackUp.conf” file located @ “<WM_Installed_Dir>/server/conf/” directory :
- Default Settings in Backup.conf file :
<BACKUP className="jdbc.CustomBackupDB" />
DIR_NAMES="conf,mibs,users,supportinfo/files,Report Results">
- <BACKUP className="jdbc.CustomBackupDB" /> tag is used to add the time at which backup is to be taken.
The time at which backup is to be run can be specified as follows.
Just "DAILY" has to be specified after the file name.
Example : <BACKUP className="jdbc. CustomBackupDB "
DAILY="true" />
Just "WEEKLY" has to be specified after the file name.
Example : <BACKUP className="jdbc. CustomBackupDB "
WEEKLY="true" />
- HOUR and DAY_OF_THE_WEEK method :
HOUR has to be specified as a list, for eg: 2,5,22. It should be between 1 and 24.
DAY_OF_THE_WEEK has to be given as a list, for eg: MON ,TUE . Only the first three letters should be given and in capitals.
A value of "*" means ALL.
Example : <BACKUP className="jdbc. CustomBackupDB "
- HOUR and DAY_OF_THE_MONTH method :
HOUR has to be specified as a list, for eg: 2,5,22. It should be between 1 and 24.
DAY_OF_THE_MONTH has to be given as a range(starting from 1 to a maximum of 31)
A value of "*" means ALL
Example : <BACKUP className="jdbc. CustomBackupDB "
DAY_OF_THE_MONTH="10-20" />
For Example : If you add HOUR = “18” and DAY_OF_THE_WEEK =”THU” then every Thursday @ 6pm it will execute the back process.
- This will take the backup of whole database, configuration files and the directories which are mentioned in “DIR_NAMES” parameter.
- The default location of storing backup is “/server/backup/”. ]
Please let us know in case of any query.