@giuseppe4 wrote:
Does 2.4GHz sectors make sense?
Hi. Well, I can tell you this from our own experience. We run a couple thousand non-Cambium 2.4Ghz radios on our towers. These older non-Cambium radios work OK(ish) in the country, but they essentially don't work at all in the City. I'm not too surprised by that - because after all, there are 100's of routers and phones and whatnot visible in 2.4Ghz in the city, right? Interference has rendered 2.4Ghz equipment non-functional, right?
So - I had this older non-Cambium gear on my house, pointing to my non-Cambium sector about 4Km away - right across town. LOS is good, signals are -60 or so, but it is right across town and I hear dozens of routers from my site survey. This older non-Cambium gear would struggle along at about 1 Mbit per second of real throughput, and it'd maybe be able to get up to 3 or 5 Mbit at 3 AM when there was a bit less interference, but it also might only get to 700kbit at 7 PM when everyone is using their routers. SO - I thought that 2.4Ghz is pretty much dead (of course) in the city.
Enter the Cambium ePMP... So, I think to myself, well, I have this Sector antenna already there, and I have the mount and the 22dBi grid already there - and they already have RPSMA connectors on them.... so, I replace the AP (just the radio, connected to the same sector antenna) and I replace my CPE (again, just the radio, connected to the same DualPol grid dish) and that's that. Same cables, same mount, same antennas, same aiming - no changes except the radios....
...and if I set the QOS to unlimited, I can get 60-70 Mbit download and 20-30 Mbit upload now, in a 20Mhz channel (2452Mhz)
>Downlink 67.588 Mbps
>Uplink 26.376 Mbps
I normally have my radio's QOS set to 20 Mbit down and 2 Mbit upload, and it hits that bang on all the time.