Looking for a way to request/log a customer email address and name when they login with a voucher. using the EasyPass.
I haven’t found a way to add the mandatory fields on the splash page.
Looking for a way to request/log a customer email address and name when they login with a voucher. using the EasyPass.
I haven’t found a way to add the mandatory fields on the splash page.
In the easy pas portal go to ‘Design’ and then on the right pane all @ the bottom “custom fields”
Custom fields are available only in One Click portal, the combined option Voucher + One-Click and One Click+Paid
I believe you need to create a “Combined” portal:
It is a “One Click + Voucher” portal. The custom fields show up when on the “free” option but not on the Voucher option.
Hi @CampComm,
At the moment, we don’t have the option to add fields for voucher. We will consult with our internal development team and will raise a Jira for this improvement.