Elevate for Ligowave DLB series

Hi, exist the possibility to elevate a great network with Ligowave DLB series?

The hardware is too much powerfull and better than Ubiquiti M series in all aspects...



ATM the the ePMP team is super busy getting ePMP 3000 ready for market. The best way to gain support from the community and get the attention of the developers is to post a request in the IDEAS section of the forum, and then solicite other operators to vote on your request.

ALSO, any information you can find on the internals of the radio, like the wifi chipset it uses, if it uses signed firmware, or if other 3rd party firmware is currenctly available might help in making a decision to support this platform. The more common the wifi chipset and more open the platform is to 3rd party development, the easier it will be to get an ePMP port onto it.


Thanks Eric for your reply, best regards and good luck!

it would be cool to use elevate for intelbras line that uses the same ligowave hardware in brazil. Chipset Atheros.