ePMP 1000 Config import JSON error

We have been receiving mostly relabelled radios instead of original FCC radios. We have found that when trying to upload a config that's from an original FCC radio it will not work. The error code has to do with the country code. We have found a workaround where we download the config file as a text file and remove the WirelessCountryCode lines, upload the text file to the relabelled radios, then download a bin file from the newly configured relabelled radio to use as our config file for other relabels.

Just wanted to make sure Cambium is aware of the issue and can hopefully fix this in an upcoming firmware release.

Thank you.

You mean this? http://community.cambiumnetworks.com/t5/ePMP-1000/2-5-2-config-import-failure/m-p/47083

Yep, thats it.