ePMP 1000 Onboarded with warning 'Software Update skipped'

I get the warning 'Software Update skipped' though my device has the latest software version '3.0-r33'. How do i get rid of it? and will it affect the performance of the device?

Thank you.

What software version IS on the device?

Latest is 3.0.1, before that 3.0.  (the "-RCxx" releases are Release Candidates, or public betas)

And there are some issues with SM transmit power limits on 3.0 firmware. (other possible concerns as well, check release notes for 3.0.1)


Software Update skipped will be due to RF link drop when you started the job. If the job is ongoing and if SM connects back then it should pick up the device and update, but if the job is complete and later SM connects, you need to add that in another job and try again.