ePMP 3000 Product ETA

Is there any ETA when the ePMP 3000 will be added to LINKPlanner?



Hi Neale,

We are working on it at the moment, but there is still some data outstanding. Hopefully we will have it available later this month, otherwise it will be early in the New Year.



PS Unfortunately we were not able to get all the data in time to make our latest LINKPlanner release V4.8.8, so it will now be in the New Year

Hi Rachel,

Do you have any closer idea to when the 3000 units will be added? I'm in the processes of lunching a new WISP and have "seen the light" on using the ePMP gear vs other mfgs. but its hard to plan out the sites without the equipment specs in the software.

Would I be safe in planning out my deployments utilizing the 2000 series units for now?



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@tophfro wrote:

Hi Rachel,

Do you have any closer idea to when the 3000 units will be added? I'm in the processes of lunching a new WISP and have "seen the light" on using the ePMP gear vs other mfgs. but its hard to plan out the sites without the equipment specs in the software.

Would I be safe in planning out my deployments utilizing the 2000 series units for now?



The 2 main reasons IMHO of choosing the 3000 would be if you want to deliver high bandwidth tiers of 50+mbps, and/or with dealing with limited spectrum. If you're not dealing with either one of those situations, then it's totally safe to plan around using the 1000/2000 and then later on you can always upgrade to the 3000.

Keep in mind though, to get the full benefits of the 3000, you'll need to use it with the OEM antenna and F300 client radios (or other Cambium AC clients as they're released) with some diversity in spacing within the 90deg coverage area.


Thanks Eric,

I'll keep that info in mind. Since I'm just starting out and depolying to an area with the potenial for a few hundred clients and plan to offer 50mbps options, I'd like to start out on the right gear from the beinging and not have to do any upgrades soon after (although, If i maxed out a sector or two that wouldn't be a bad problem to upgrade :-) )

the f3000 family is in store .. linkplanner does not know it, does not know the antennas ... does any shift in adding planning support?



We are still waiting for some data for ePMP3000, but it should be available in the next release, which we plan to release within the next few weeks.



LINKPlanner V4.9.0 is now available in the usual place on the Cambium support and contains support for the initial ePMP 3000 modes. Mu-MIMO and backwards compatibility will be added in the next release.