I installed 5.8.0-RC27 on both ends, but the 4500Ls still would not connect on TDD-PTP.
I tried TDD and many combinations of Backward Compatibility, GPS Sync, Channel Size, and Ratio with no luck. The client radio reports “Rejected - Incompatible Software Version” every time.
ePTP continues to work fine on this link.
Has anyone successfully used TDD/ TDD-PTP on 4500Ls?
We are having the exact same issue. Incompatible software version for PTP TDD
4500L pair in PTP latest 5.8 firmware NO GO. Has anyone found a fix to this?
I don’t know if this will fix what you’re seeing or not - but I’d suggest trying the 5.9 Release Candidate and seeing if that works. With all the improvements under the hood, maybe something has been already fixed that solves it.
Sorry for the late reply. I thought I would just wait it out, but after the beta for 5.9.2 came out, I just now realized that you wrote 5.10. Is there an ETA for that release? I would like to test it, if you could share what has changed and what could cause problems with it…
the fix for 4500L and 4600L was implemented already in 5.9.2. The beta is available for download. Most probably it will be our stable version.
Thank you!