ePMP - add watchdog reboot timer for loss of GPS

Add option in ePMP software that if GPS sync is enabled and sync is lost but is not restored by the time the synchronization holdoff timer expires, the AP reboots itself.

We’ve found roughly half of our GPS sync issues are resolved with a soft reboot of the AP, so if the AP reboots itself, it should reduce customer-facing outage times.

This is most true with 3k / 3k-L products, but also 1k-GPS, 2k-GPS, 2k-lite GPS. Not enough experience with 4k to say if it impacts 4k as well.

Reboot is dealing with the consequence. They should remove the cause, but I believe they can’t and are afraid to admit it :slight_smile:

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Yes, the idea solution is for it to not lose sync. Until then, I would think this type of request should be easy to implement across the 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k lineup.

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I agree this should be implemented. The Watchdog could be greatly improved with features & feedback - including this. There are so many things which would be nice to have added to the Watchdog… some 20 year old non-Cambium gear we had, had a full function watchdog (although admittedly that was because so many other features were buggy).

For GPS, this could also be added to the GPS Holdoff itself… a checkbox that says “Reboot AP on Holdoff Expiration” or something right in the GPS config area too. (or BOTH places)


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