ePMP gen3 - Exploring Spectrum Analyzer Tool

Radios from 3rd generation of ePMP product line mostly have additional dedicated radio for active scanning which is not affecting the connection between AP and SMs.

Spectrum Analyzer Tool is integrated into radio's Web interface and is placed under Tools -> Spectrum Analyzer tab.

Spectrum Analyzer page has 3 sections:

- General Spectrum View;

- Interference View;

- Interferers Summary Table;

Two modes are available for Spectrum Analyzer:

Light Mode - only Management Frames will be captured for Interferer detection. Some Interferers may not be discovered. Scanning results may slightly vary from actual environmental conditions.
Detailed Mode - Management, Control, and Data Frames will be captured for Interferer detection. All Interferers will be discovered. It could cause performance degradation or even session drops.

On the screenshot, the shadow represents the channel radio is operating on and it's operating bandwidth.

"Real max RSSI" is the highest signal level captured at the frequency (the highest point at the graph).
"Filtered max RSSI" is the highest RSSI level that is continuous enough to be not filtered using the chart at the right side (the highest colored point at the graph).
"RSSI" is a cursor current position on a graph.

Colors at the Spectrum Analyzer graph represent how often the signal with an appropriate RSSI level has been captured.

Thus red RSSI levels are continuous, yellow are frequent enough, green levels are rarer, blue means quite rare, and gray peaks mean very rare but stronger signals.

Using the slider on the right side of the chart you can grayscale rare RSSI levels. Colors on the slider represent the frequence of the signals with an appropriate RSSI level. Users can filter the signals which periodicity they consider as significant and grayscale other signals.

On the Interference View red, orange, yellow, and green colors represent average RSSI for captured WiFi frames.

*Gray color means that the signal from the interference source has been captured at least once, but any new frames weren't captured after for a long time.

The view shows all the interference sources in the available frequency range and their RSSI levels and bandwidths.

The interferers summary table converts these data into table view which can be used for auto analysis by external tools.