Error during install of BAM

I get this error when I run setupBAM.bin

The directory /root/istemp4795098190614
does not contain enough space to extract temporary files.
Please specify a temporary directory using the -is:tempdir

and in the log ,…

Extracting bundled JRE…
checking disk space on the parition /root/istemp4646098185446 for /root/istemp4646098185446/Linux-Sun-1.4.2.bin
39525 512 bytes disk blocks required.
284563944 512 bytes disk blocks available on the partition /root/istemp4646098185446
Disk space check on the parition /root/istemp4646098185446 succeeded.
checking disk space on the parition /root/istemp4646098185446 for /root/istemp4646098185446/Linux-Sun-1.4.2.bin
Bundled JRE is not binary compatible with host OS/Arch or it is corrupt. Testing bundled JRE failed.

Any ideas