Feature request: Wet Snow Rapid Recovery Mode

So here is the scene, we had a day that started with heavy wet snow which confounded many devices ability to maintain proper connections. One v3000 dropped briefly during the snow event, later however many v5000 to v5000 connections experienced signal loss which was able to largely be corrected by disassociating the link and when it reconnected the fade margin signal/fade-margin improved dramatically. I assume this was due to ice and or water distorting the beamforming.
It would be great to be able to ‘push a button’ on the console and have the nodes spend say 24 hours in hypervigilant state and enabled to drop/reform the link on their own.
Make it so.

What you describe suggests the V5000’s were on sub-optimal beams. In build a feature was introduced which enables beam refinement at periodic intervals, you can configure this to run at a specific time of Day/Week or at regular intervals.

If you haven’t already please move to 1.3.1, in addition to the scheduled beam adjustment there’s fast acquisition which will bring the links up quicker on the last know best beam, this could help avoid scans coming up on sub-optimal beams in conditions like this.


I wondered about the interval option, I missed the spec of it being in seconds somehow , that is about as close to push button hypervigilant as I could dream of.
I have hesitated in regard to the 1.3.1 upgrade until winter is a little less present, I just hate rolling things out if I’m not 100% ready to deal with surprises, the only thing I hate more than surprises is trudging around in the snow to remedy them.

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