Force 300 - Experience

good morning,
I come to tell my experience and the conclusion that comes.
I worked very successfully with force 200 and force 180 equipment and was always guided by the Link Planner software. A few years ago when the force 300 was recently released, I bought 4 teams without hesitation at that time per premiere, they cost me around $ 260, I assume per premiere.
Assemble the teams with great confidence and do not hesitate to make links in which I already work with force 200, but it was a headache, the links with force 300 had many signal drops, signal loss and many other things. I went to support and forums and the answer that was given to me was always that the equipment was still not working well and that the firmware was still in development, accept the answer and save the equipment for about 2 years, hoping that in the near future the firmware is finished and it can work well.

About 2 months ago when I saw that the firmware was already in version 4.5, I decided to use the equipment again and I realize that they still do not work correctly, I proceed to complain to the forum but in a somewhat more aggressive way. I have contact with cambium this time in a different way, a connection to the CnMaestro, giving it privileges so that they can see the links with errors.
Cambium staff automatically send me 4 new teams, just the horns part.
I receive the antennas with a delay because they are sent from the US, I make the change and now they work very well, they have faults but very simple.
Personal opinion: It seems to me that the company in its eagerness not to lag behind in Ac technology, they sold the force 300 with errors in hardware or without finishing and now they are correcting their error, it does not seem to me by chance that my 4 initial computers had the same failures. This looks like it was in the early batches I think.
So if you have fatal errors with the force 300, do not think like me that it is the firmware, talk to cambium support in the forum and they will help you because there are computers that have hardware failure

My translation is with google, I hope it is understood.


Hi Uriel,

I’m glad to hear F300s are operating fine for you now.
I’m 100% sure the problem would have been resolved much faster if you had opened the ticket with Cambium Support.
We are always helping our customers and not because of their aggressive way of communication, but because of it’s our mission there.
Unfortunately, we are not immune from hardware issues as anyone else, so opening the support ticket or starting the thread in the Community, please attach Tech Support Files. They help us to perform initial diagnostics.

Thank you.


hi Fedor,
To limit, I had help from Cambium staff but they connected remotely to my computer to review.

I apologize for the aggressive form of my complaint, but if I had not done so, perhaps the antennas would still be stored in a drawer waiting for a good firmware that would never have solved the problem. Even so, most of the people bought the equipment to work at 80 Mhz and as I understand it still cannot work, correct me if it can already work at 80 Mhz

yo igualmente tengo dos force 300 en ptp de 500 metros pero el enlace no se pierde pero deja de responder la lan del receptor y se bloquea la auntentificacion de los clientes estoy trabajando actualmente con el firware 4.5.5

al parcer se soluciona haciendo trabajar el esclavo en 100 de transferencia cuando esta a 1000 se bloquea su lan del force 300


80 MHz is available for configuration and operation.

Thank you.

Could you please open the ticket with Cambium Support?
Cambium engineers will reach you as soon as possible to solve the issue.

Thank you.

A esta falla se refiere Tewsbehappy, deberian abrir un ticket y posiblemente Cambium repondrá los Force300. A mi me pasó también y me repusieron 2 unidades, la misma falla.