Force 300 Transmitter Output Power Off

We have a Force 300 where the transmit power will not turn on. It keeps reading Transmit Power OFF

Is there a fix for this? 

When I swap the PTP link. Make the other side SM and this side AP, then the transmit power works. This is so weird!

Is it DFS channels ?  Possibly one direction thinks it sees radar or possibly using different channel when you swap them ?

Not using DFS. Even if it was DFS, why would the transmit stay off? What does that even mean?


It is really hard to tell for sure. For example it might be DFS or no Country Code. In order to tell exact reason it is required to take a look at the logs and tech support file.



The 300 doesn't give you an option to change the country code. It is always US. And its not using DFS as mentioned before. The radio was working fine, and then just stopped transmitting. 

So basically you don't know what Transmit Power OFF means either?


It is locked to US only for FCC countries. Transmit Power OFF means that the unit is not transmitting by some reason. The exact reason should be in the system log.

