Force 425 firmware 5.3 causing VPLS tunnel flapping

Hi adrii this problem, is on all firmare version after 5.1.3 , in a network , where epmp force 400 is linked to switch mikrotik or router mikrotik sfp, every vpls packet that surf by 400 , drop, work only with 5.1.3


try this

telnet to your device

F425_pe2>config set cambiumAccelerationEngine 3
F425_pe2>config commit

it solves a similar problem for me.


Yes, this work for me too
Thanks a lot

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we are experiencing the same. No problem on 5.1.3 (maybe not even 5.1.4). Above that vpls/mpls does not work properly

try what was suggested by @maigao12 it seems to have helped on one of my links that is having this issue but I’m not sure it has completely solved the problem yet.

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