Force 425 max xmt power lower at SM

I would assume it’s related to the following fact:

Important to know difference between Tx Power shown on UI for AP and SM.

In general ePMP devices distinguish two types of traffic — data traffic and management traffic.

ePMP always try to send Data traffic on the highest possible MCS, Management traffic always uses MCS1 or MCS0(Configurable option on UI).

Becauses of this Tx Power for Data packets and for Management packets will be different.

Each AP may have several SMs registered on it.
Therefore it was decided that AP will indicate Tx Power of Management packets on UI and SMs will indicate Tx Power of all packets(Data + Management). AP communicates with all registered on it SMs and Data packets TX Power will be different for each of them. Only Data Tx Power transmitted with same value for all registered SMs.

Let me check exact numbers and get back to you with details tomorrow.

Thank you