FORCE 4600C & vlan memberships

Hola, he estado probando un enlace con el radio 4600c. Y he tenido el problema de que al activar una VLAN membership y guardar cambios, desaparece la opción y no me permite visualizarla hasta que reinicie el radio. ¿Alguien ha experimentado este problema?


Hello, I have been testing a link with the 4600c radio. And I have had the problem that when I activate a VLAN membership and save changes, the option disappears and does not allow me to view it until I restart the radio. Has anyone experienced this problem?

Hi @Alejandro_Vazquez
Can you please raise a ticket


Hi, @Alejandro_Vazquez
Did you have a chance to open a support ticket with regard to the problem that you described?
If you need any help, please, feel free to contact me.
