Frame Size 2.5ms in 3000 series

We would need the completion of frame size development on the ePMP 3000 series (3000L, 3000).
Currently, it is only possible to set the value via CLI via the instruction
config set wirelessInterfaceTDDFrameSize 2500
config save
config apply
reboot (this is optional)

On the technical side this is sufficed to make it work.
The problem is that the value is not reported in the WEB interface.

After the reboot when I login in WebGUI and without do nothing I see in the SAVE button (top right corner) there is a
“Elements to save”

  • Frame Size

I attach a screen (frameSize.jpg) of this problem (circled in red).
The Frame Size is also displayed as 5ms, which is incorrect (circled in green)

Now if I were to change ONLY the frequency from 5600 to 5640 and I hit the save button it would change the frequency but it would bring my frame size back to 5ms

So I would have to go back into SSH and relaunch the command for the 2,5ms.
Impractical and I create another connection hole to my customers

I have seen significant improvements on the end-customer’s TCP throughput and in offering 100Mbps lines this helps me so much to get great results close to 100Mbps. By leaving the 5ms instead I lose a mountain of TCP bandwidth (about forty mbps or so)

I ask if it is possible to implement full integration of this feature