Guest Access using Social Login - Google - Twitter - Facebook -Office 365

Steps to achieve cnMaestro based Guest Access using Social logins like Google, Twitter, Facebook and Office 365

  1. Create GuestAccess profile on cnMaestro.
  • Login to cnMaestro >> Navigate to Services >> Guest Access Portal >> Add Portal.
  • Enter Portal Name, Description , enable logging for client login events and click on Save

Click on Edit Guest Portal Details

Navigate to Access tab and expand Social Login

Select Google, Twitter, Facebook, Office 365 based on your requirement:

  1. 2. Map the Guest Access Portal to the required existing WLAN or to a new WLAN.
  • Click on Configure >> WLANs and AP Groups >> click on edit WLAN / Add New WLAN
  • Navigate to Guest Access tab >> Enable tick box >> select cnMaestro in Portal Mode >> select the Guest Portal from the drop down under Guest Portal Name.

3. Creating APIs to integrate cnMaestro with Google, Twitter, Facebook and Office 365.

a) Google

Give a name to the Porject and click on CREATE.


Click on Credentials under this project.

Under Credentials tab create OAuth Client ID.

Configure Consent Screen

Assign a name to the application, map to the an email ID, add to the authorized domain and click on Save.

Once clicked on Save for above page it redirects to creation of OAuth Client ID.

Select Application type as Web Application, give a Name, add Guest Portal Hostname url/IP which you will get from cnMaestro UI and click on Create.

Upon click on Create on above page it redirects to the screen showing Client ID and Client Secret.

Copy the Client ID and paste it to the cnMaestro enabling Google under Social Logins and click on Save.

b) Twitter

Login to Twitter Account and navigate to URL : and click on Create an app.

Click on Keys and tokens and copy Consumer API Key and Consumer API Secret Key.

Paste them to cnMaestro GUI for Twitter social login.

c) Facebook

Login to Facebook Account and navigate to URL : and click on Add a New app.

Enter App Display Name, Contact Email and click on Create App ID.

Select a Scenario as Integrate Facebook Login and click on Confirm.

Navigate to Settings tab under Facebook Login, add Facebook Reply URL from cnMaestro to Valid OAuth Redirect URLs section, change Login from Devices to Yes and click on Save Changes.

Navigate to Settings > Basic and copy App ID and App Secret. Enter Privercy Policy URL as your company URL. Make sure the APP status shows Live


Navigate to Settings >> Basic and copy App ID and App Secret.


d) Office 365

Login to Office 365 Account and navigate to URL : and click on Add an app.


Upon Adding your App name and clicking on Create application, it redirectes to App page.

  1. Copy Application ID and paste it to cnMaestro Guest Access page under Office 365
  2. Click on Generate New Password.
  3. Copy Reply URL from cnMaestro and paste it under Redirect URLs
  4. Add to the Whitelist on the cnMaestro.

Sample of client login page:


A post was split to a new topic: Guest Access Portal Social Login capabilities

A post was split to a new topic: Problem configuring Facebook login for guest access