Now the picture I see : it is about 20mbps at sector's downlink throughput and 95% frame time used.
MCS 10 is ~80% at the downlink. So as I can understand - 20mbps is my maximum?
Hi. Well, a sector's potential capacity is governed by several things, including the MCS which you can get to clients. If you are mostly only getting MCS 10 most of the time, that will substantially limit the sector's capacity vs if you were getting MCS15 on everything. Also, the channel width, and the number of packet retransmissions, and a bunch of other factors also limit how much the sector is capable of.
MCS10 is QPSK 3/4 - so that's a whole lot less efficient than 12 QAM, 64 QAM or 256 QAM is.
If you can embed screen shots of your CONFIGURATION - RADIO, and your MONITOR - WIRELESS and MONITOR - PERFORMANCE screens, that will help us help you. :)
There is a reason why it is locked, I have high interference and % is spread between 10-15, and some amount in MCS2, I had to lock in MCS10 to prevent MCS jump and retransmissions.
And also, this does not explain low downlink. As the table says, MCS10 can provide up to 50mbps in 20mhz. I get no even half of it with low retransmission rate and 0% drop.
UPD. My bad, the MCS table says up to 39mpbs with Long guard interval. Well, could be half of it, but no peaks...
Also I have QOS with MIR enabled, but why would it cause hight % of frame time usage
MCS10 has a RAW/PHY maximum of 39mbps. That includes protocol overhead. Actual IP traffic is going to be about 75% of that, which is 29mbps. And you're doing a 75/25 DL/UL ratio, which leaves about 22mbps for DL.
Set the max MCS back to 15, identify the SM(s) that have a poor DL MCS and address the interference that's affecting those SMs. Poor MCS in the DL direction means interference at the SM. If all of your SMs have poor DL rates there must be another device on the same channel near the location of your AP.
MCS10 has a RAW/PHY maximum of 39mbps. That includes protocol overhead. Actual IP traffic is going to be about 75% of that, which is 29mbps. And you're doing a 75/25 DL/UL ratio, which leaves about 22mbps for DL.
Set the max MCS back to 15, identify the SM(s) that have a poor DL MCS and address the interference that's affecting those SMs. Poor MCS in the DL direction means interference at the SM. If all of your SMs have poor DL rates there must be another device on the same channel near the location of your AP.
Might i ask where you found that information? I assume that number is specific to 20mhz channel on 2g. Is there a chart which also says the other MCS as well as channel widths and 5g?
There is a reason why it is locked, I have high interference and % is spread between 10-15, and some amount in MCS2, I had to lock in MCS10 to prevent MCS jump and retransmissions.
And also, this does not explain low downlink. As the table says, MCS10 can provide up to 50mbps in 20mhz. I get no even half of it with low retransmission rate and 0% drop.
UPD. My bad, the MCS table says up to 39mpbs with Long guard interval. Well, could be half of it, but no peaks...
Also I have QOS with MIR enabled, but why would it cause hight % of frame time usage
There is a throughput graph in the ePMP user guide. The attached screenshot is for 75/25, 5ms, long guard interval. You are using long guard, and 2.5ms frames, so you will have less than the highlighted throughtput for MCS10.