How do I run a Database repair in XMS-Enterprise 8.3.5

Summary: This article describes how to run a Database repair in XMS-Enterprise 8.3.5. This may be requested by the Support team. Note: This function will require a reboot of XMS-Enterprise.


  1. Log in to XMS-Enterprise WebGUI

  2. Hover over Settings in the top menu, under General select Status


  3. On the Status page, select Check & Repair Database

  4. A confirmation message will appear, select OK to start the repair

  5. Finally, enter in your credentials to confirm


  6. XMS-Enterprise will then reboot and start the repair of the database


  1. Connect to XMS-Enterprise’s CLI using a terminal application such as PuTTy. The port number to access the CLI is 2022. Upon connection, log in using your credentials.


  2. Type the following commands to initiate the Database repair

    database repair

    image (14)

  3. XMS-Enterprise will then reboot and start the repair of the database

Great information.

One question… I am having problems with the VM, it stops working suddenly and some of the AP’s start disconnecting clients and then I restart the VM

After the VM finalize rebooting I got a message of the database repairing in process.
I wait like 30 minutes and after a while I try to acces via port 9443 and I get “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” message, if I ping the VM Lan Addres it responds, I can also access via CLI but I can’t acces via WEB, can you please help me to know what is happening? or how can I solve this issue?