How many SMs per AP

Hi all. I was wondering how many SMs you have associated with a single AP. We have one AP that has 180 customers on it. It is 5.7Ghz. Customers still get 2Mbps or better, sometimes 5 or 6Mbps if the AP isn’t busy.

Taken from the Canopy Release 8 User Guide section 7.1.4

Regardless of whether the maximum number of SMs (200) all request service at the same time, the reservation Media Access Control (MAC) system allows the AP to give a reservation slot to each SM that requests service.

louis.arsenault wrote:
Taken from the Canopy Release 8 User Guide section 7.1.4

Regardless of whether the maximum number of SMs (200) all request service at the same time, the reservation Media Access Control (MAC) system allows the AP to give a reservation slot to each SM that requests service.



Isn’t that kind of at user discretion?

Due to HW scheduling, 2x mode, etc. I’d imagine that number could vary?

You have 14Mbps aggregate available per AP. Take this, divide by your average BW per subscriber them multiply by your over subscription rate.

14Mbps aggregate
75% DL = 10.5Mbps /
Average Subscriber BW 3Mbps X
30:1 oversub rate =
~105 Subs per AP.

This of course will vary depending on your chosen oversub rate, usage patterns, broadcast and junk traffic, but this is a good point of reference.

I think that 80 is the magic number. We have a lot of APs that have more than 100 SMs and it’s not the same service as there were 50 or 80.