How would canopy interference present to Alvarion FHSS?

So we have one site, 2 APs North and South, BreezeAccess 2.4 FHSS. The southbound is fine, the northbound customers are having issues, it is heavy with 38 subs 512/128, but this issue persists even when there is no bandwidth going across it.

The signals are good, the radios respond lickety split. All the Subs have Dlink routers we provide and manage. And all the routers responses are abysmal, 500ms to timeout.
If it were one customers, I would assume its a bum ethernet port, but its all of them. Broadcast is filtered at the ap and at the Sub.

I started shutting off customers one at a time, took the AP down to 25 subs, not any better.

So i was figuring bum AP, which it still could be, Ill replace it tommorrow. But I was in the area today and see that there is a residence with a Canopy SM facing north, this is 2 miles north of our AP. Which would mean there is a canopy AP somewhere to the north, facing south towards our AP

I havent ran the spectrum yet on the site, but im wondering since this is likely a south facing canopy AP if it could be the issue. Im not sure what I should expect when FHSS is getting interfered with by canopy (Im assuming it is synced)

Im pretty sure I know which competitor it is, and I would like to collect as much data as I can before I contact them to see if we can work together, or better yet I would just like to get our gear to work around their gear without ever having to talk to them.

But does anybody know if this is the type of issue I could expect with this interference from canopy?

Canopy will interfere with FHSS

Easy solution is to set up your AP to avoid the 9MHz that the Canopy AP is using.