I can't find the baud rate setting on the Force 200

Hello! Help me please! I have SW 3.5.2
FV — U-Boot 9342_PX 1.1.4.h (Jul 26 2018 - 17:36:36)
I can’t see the baud rate of the Force 200.
And on the Force 300 after the update I see the speed without problems.

This is an ePMP product. I have moved this topic to that forum… though I don’t have the answer for you.

Baud is a symbols per second rate, we havent used this in broadband measurement since ethernet was invented.

Your line rate and radio rates are found in the monitor page under performance and under tools using link test.

You can also get a basic look on the home page, but that shows the ethernet line rate and the radio coding scheme only.