I can't perform a throughput test on version 1.2.3

How can I perform a throughput test on the ePMP1000 Version 1.2.3?

We can tell our customers like the Throughput test.

The Throughput test was giving us negative results and we decided to take it out as opposed to have poor results that do not represent the real performance. Take heart, the Throughput test will be back soon!

iperf is a free tool to use for throughput. Using a PC or Laptop above the AP with iperf and another PC or Laptop below the station running iperf will allow you to run throughput tests.

When will the testing component be returned to the Web GUIs?

How do I know what my real band then, since the throughput was removed in version 1.2.3?

Jeff / Jhony,
We are looking to bring back the throughput tool in the 1.4.x software release.

As for testing, iperf is a free tool to use for throughput. Using a PC or Laptop above the AP with iperf and another PC or Laptop below the station running iperf will allow you to run throughput tests.

As of 1.4.0, throughput test tools is back. Please upgrade to the latest ePMP release from support.cambiumnetworks.com/files/epmp.