Aaron just posted the following information to the Release 20.0 thread, and I want to make sure it is highlighted at the top of the forum. Please see the original thread for additional information:

Due to the reported issues of Bandwidth PLL Lock Lost errors on 450b with Release 20.0, we have decided to pull back the release from distribution while we investigate the issue. The issue presents itself as the 450b SM’s not reconnecting to the AP after they have been upgraded to 20.0. This appears to only be affecting systems with 450b SM’s, but we recommend not using 20.0until further notice.

If this issue happens, the 450b will likely need to be manually downgraded to an earlier release, as it is not something that is recovered via a reboot. It looks to only be affecting certain 450b SM’s, and we are investigating that as well, to see if we can find a correlation for affected devices.

If you have any devices experiencing this problem, please contact support.

To know if this issue is happening, on the SM GUI, you will see this message in Red at the top of every page:
Bandwidth PLL lock lost

Also, in the event log of the SM’s, you will see this message, indicating that the SM is not seeing any radio energy while scanning for the AP:

Radio not receiving any power.
Recovering radio that is not receiving any power.
Forced reset;

We will be in touch as we ready an update to address this problem, and apologize for the inconvenience if you have been impacted by this issue as you used 20.0. We will also look at the other reported issues mentioned in this thread.

Great… thanks for the heads up.

Not sure if it is related but over the past few days we updated all our PMP450 radios (about100) just before it was pulled. Then overnight 2 of our AP’s had customers that lost service. SM’s were still registered on the AP’s but could not access GUI, snmp, pass traffic, etc. Rebooted one AP and all was OK again. Searched for a found a second AP with same issue and this time had the foresight to try and download support info. Both PMP450 and PMP450b SM radios were affected on both AP’s. CNUT would not download Customer Support info. Did download the Tech Support File from cnMaestro, but could not attach it. (invalid file type). Rebooted second AP and for now all SM’s are working again for the moment. Pleas contact me directly if you could like me to send you the cnMaestro Tech Support file

FYI these issues have been resolved 20.0.1. If anyone would try out the beta it is available:
Please let us know ASAP if you have any issues because we plan to release 20.0.1 soon.

I would highly recommend anyone running 20.0 upgrade to 20.0.1.

Thanks in advance,

I want to try in on one of our 450i 900 systems that was experiencing registration drops under 20.0.0 but the link says the page is private.

You have to be registered to use betas… that, or you can use cnMaestro cloud, it’s available there as well.


As Eric said, you have to register to access the beta forums. See this post:

Thanks. I’ll be patient and wait for the official then.