I know there is a template we can use to import subscribers and a sector all at once. Is there a way to import all the information from an ap and connected subscribers all at once? I don’t see an azimuth field in the radio.
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Right now, there is no way to automatically import this data. We provide a spreadsheet template for you to capture and upload this information into the database to migrate or create sectors easily, but there is no automated way to pull this information out of an existing sector.
If you use LinkPlanner, you can export the information into the spreadsheet used by cnMaestro.
Here are more details: http://community.cambiumnetworks.com/t5/CBRS/Exporting-CBRS-information-from-LinkPlanner-into-cnMaestro/m-p/116319
Will this change in future? Since we are already having to use cnMaestro it would seem much easier to me to do it all through cnMaestro rather then this spreadsheet upload etc.