Do you know how can I set a new, different antenna for the Access Point Antennas?
I want to use an RF Element's Simper 30º antenna as Access Point but I didn't figure out how to do it.
Do you know how can I set a new, different antenna for the Access Point Antennas?
I want to use an RF Element's Simper 30º antenna as Access Point but I didn't figure out how to do it.
LINKPlanner uses a 3D antenna pattern for the Access Points when calculating the performance to each SM and therefore at the moment I am sorry but we only support the Cambium antennas at the Access Point.
This is some proprietary 3d shape file, or i can get in touch with my favorite antenna manufacturer and get them to produce this files?
Hi Guilherme,
It is a proprietary 3D file format.
To produce the file we would need the 3D antenna data across the frequency band, which can be provided by the antenna manufacturer in Excel format.
Hi Cambium_Rachel,
The antenna I want to use is a RF Elements Simper model. Cambium doesn't have any thing like this.
Maybe an exception with a disclaimer saying that we know that we're going outside Cambium results?
I am sorry but there can be a significant difference between antenna patterns, which can result in changes in antenna gain of 10 dB or more. This makes it very difficult to judge the accuracy of the information provided, even with a disclaimer and we would not want to put anything in LINKPlanner that has such a potential degree of error.
Meanwhile, is it possible to add the Force110 antenna as an option?
The epmp-integrated as an AP would be nice too.
How work-intensive is adding a new antenna for PTMP?
Hi Guillerme,
We do have it on our roadmap to include the ePMP integrated antenna and other ePMP antennas. I am sorry that they have not come up the priority list yet.
It is several days work to get an AP antenna into LINKPlanner as first we have to get time in our antenna chamber to get the 3D patterns measured, then they have to be converted into the format we use in LINKPlanner. It involves time from people in several groups.
Hola, Cambium tengo una duda
si estoy usando el software radiomobile y quiero agregar a las antenas del programa un archivo .ANT de una antena cambium donde puedo encontrar los archivos .ANT de todas sus antenas ?
Hi Emma,
We don’t have antenna patterns in that format for LINKPlanner. Try contacting support for the specific antennas that you are using.