The recent update to the cnArcher mobile app (v 2.2.1) introduces comprehensive support for cnWave 28 GHz devices, offering users a range of enhanced features and functionalities:
- Home screen
- CPE Firmware Upgrade / Downgrade
- CPE scan list setup
- Configure CPE
- Installation Summary
- Detailed Summary
- CPE Quick Align
Once a cnWave 28 GHz CPE device is successfully detected, the following data is fetched from the CPE and displayed on the home screen.
- Product name
- Software version
- Session status
- Operating frequency
- Polarisation
- Channel Bandwidth
With this feature, the users can upgrade or downgrade the firmware version of the CPE. As shown in the screen below, the current CPE version will be shown on the home screen. Next to the CPE version, there will be an upgrade icon.
On tapping the icon users will be navigated to the CPE Firmware upgrade screen as shown below. Initially, all the currently available firmware versions will be listed. At the top right of the screen, a refresh button can be seen.
On tapping the refresh button the latest available firmware versions will be fetched and listed. At the right end of each firmware version, there will be a Download firmware icon. On tapping the same the corresponding firmware version will be downloaded onto the mobile. After the successful download of the version the Download icon is replaced by an install button, on tapping the same users can initiate installation of the selected firmware into the CPE.
The users can navigate to the CPE Firmware upgrade screen from the settings screen.
From the settings screen, under CNWAVE 28 GHZ SETTINGS, the software images option can be seen. Please do this while the phone is connected to the Internet, and not while you are connected to the CPE and installing it.
Before proceeding with the CPE configuration and quick alignment, the users must configure the radio scan frequencies.
The users can navigate to the scan list screen from the settings screen by tapping on the scan list option as shown below.
Initially, the scan list screen will be empty.
Clicking the add frequency button allows the user to add desired frequencies to scan for.
On clicking the add frequency button, a pop-up comes up and asks the user to enter a frequency in MHz.
The users are allowed to enter a frequency value between the range of 24250 and 29500 MHz.
Likewise, users can add multiple frequencies and select whichever frequency values are to be scanned before configuring the CPE.
On clicking the start button on the home screen users will be shown the configure and quick align options. Once the scan frequencies are set and if the CPE has a minimum required firmware version already installed, the user is allowed to proceed with the configuration of the CPE.
In the configuration screen, there are two types of security options which the user can choose.
Default and Non-Default mode.
In the default mode, no other parameters are required.
From the configuration screen, user can configure the following data into the CPE.
- Radio Configuration
- Max EIRP
- Polarisation
- System Info
- CPE name
- CPE Height
In addition, the already saved scan list frequencies and the device location data (lat, long) will also be configured.
For non-default mode, the RADIUS password and RADIUS config certificate content must also be provided.
Once all the values are entered, tap the next button to proceed with the configuration.
In the next screen, the configuration statuses will be shown for each section.
After successfully configuring all the values, user will be automatically redirected to the CPE alignment screen.
In the Alignment screen, the power of the received signal during the antenna alignment is shown. The best and current values are shown and are plotted in the graph over time.
The distance between the BTS and CPE is also shown on the alignment screen.
In the installer notes screen, the user can enter detailed notes about the installation.
Proceeding further takes the user to the Installation summary screen.
The summary of the current installation in progress is shown.
In the Detailed summary screen, a detailed view of the current installation can be found.
Clicking on the quick align button from the home screen takes the user directly to the alignment screen to proceed with the alignment of the CPE. Quick Align is used when the CPE is already configured correctly, and you just need to realign it. The CPE must already be connected to the BTS for Quick Align mode to work.