Here is an image of the Force 425. We’ve taken lots of feedback from customers to make this easy to install. Have a look a the link in the thread above showing a video of unboxing and installation.
The Force 425 has an integrated 25 dBi antenna.
Soon we will also offer a Range Extender optional accessory that can add an additional 3 dB of gain on each end of the PTP link.
What about the AP 4000 any info on that? And will it be compatible with epmp force 300 SM’s? If so what are the limitations of using 300 series sm’s can we intermingle 300 and 400 sm on the same AP without any degradation or losing full benefits of epmp 4000?
What are the main points of epmp 4000 vs epmp 3000 AP what will be the major differences and can we use the same sector antennas already deployed and just swap AP’s?
And for God’s sake make the mounting bracket swappable from left hand to right hand mount like epmp 200-25 dishes… you really hosed the bracket on 300-25 which forced us to have to move about 15% of existing installs of force 200 dishes…
I don’t find the terms “GPS” or “SYNC” anywhere in the document nor any any mention of the third SMA connector that appears at the bottom of the radio in the pictures.
There is no GPS sync. That connector is in case we ever want to do a GPS sync SKU which is not a plan right now.
Look at the video in detail and please be constructive in your feedback please.
The version on the partners portal has different numbers for the antenna’s 3 dB Beamwidth Azimuth & the 3 dB Beamwidth Elevation and I was just curious which one to follow.