Is anyone else using SNMP to pull configs from ePMP AC?

We have been using SNMP to pull backup configs from ePMP radios for years. As of v6.4 and up this stopped working on ePMP AC (and never worked on AX). Started a ticket with Cambium but they say they can’t reproduce so I guess we are doing something wrong even though it worked for years and we didn’t change anything. We can roll an AC radio back to anything before v4.6 and it starts working again.

If you are using SNMP to pull configs from the ePMP AC radios running v4.6 or later, would you share how you are doing it ?

This worked for us for years, we didn’t change anything and then v4.6 and it stopped working on AC radios:

Works on N

~ # snmpset -v 2c -c private . i 1
. = INTEGER: 1
~ # snmpget -v 2c -c private .
. = INTEGER: 4
~ # snmpget -v 2c -c private .
. = STRING: "

But on AC Clients since v4.6 step two either either hangs / returns 1 (exporting JSON config but never goes past that to 4 Success) or it returns -1 error with no explanation.


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This sounds like either an oid issue or you need to update your mibs.

We are pulling current configs off AC gear now and no issues.

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we use the same snmp command and we didn’t have any issue.
What radio model are you using?

Oid issues are simply when the client receives a request but only a portion of the full oid is sent.
We use a script in linux to pull the config into a text file, we are also only doing this for the APs since we push the SM configs by radius during authentication/authorization of eap-ttls.

The script does a few other things but the pertinent part just uses snmp -v2 private radio.ip oid/mib.statement > device-id.txt

Mibs are loaded automatically using net-snmp config

Is it just the config retrieval OIDs that don’t work in that situation, or is it all OIDs? (ie. is SNMP completely broken for AC radios in NAT/PPPoE mode?)

Thank you for the detailed investigation. I see you have already sent this as a follow-up to your ticket - hopefully the details you have provided will be enough to allow engineering to reproduce and fix it.

I just pulled your OID from one of my servers to an F300-25 running 4.6.1 and it returned correctly.
snmpget -v 2c -c Community-Redacted Radio-management-Vlan-IP .

iso. = INTEGER: 0

Radio is in NAT mode, but no PPPoE.

You should not need to set an snmp oid parameter first unless your intention is to create the jason file and download that file.

If you do a full snmpget walk you will find that all of the current parameters are available and can be parsed into a config file.

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