LAG with PTP600 and PTP800 with two Netgear 530028-G3 switches ?

I have two PTP links , one with PTP600 and one with PTP800.

Is it possible connect them with two Netgear 530028-G3 switches ( create LAG ) and increase capacity ?

Traffic is IP ( no TDM ).

How to do ?

This is possible, but there are a few points to consider. We can provide information about the wireless links, but we can't advise on configuring the Netgear switch. Perhaps somebody with detailed knowledge of the switch can add some comments?

- Ethernet link aggregation, which is standardised as IEEE 802.1AX, identifies so-called "conversations" and distributes these between the individual links. On a good day, this provides approximately equal sharing, so 50% each between two links. However, your two links might not have the same capacity. In an extreme case, if one link has much higher capacity, and you distribute 50% of the traffic on each link, you could reduce the overall capacity rather than increase it.

- Assuming that the PTP 600 and PTP 800 links have similar capacity, we have to think about the sharing mechanisms. 802.1AX identifies conversations by analysing header fields in the traffic. The exact algorithm is normally configurable in the switch. Generally the algorithm has to be tuned to the network. For example, if the link is between two routers, all frames will have the same source and destination MAC address (the addresses of the routers) so an algorithm that inspects only Ethernet addresses will not be useful. If the link caries only a small number of conversations, accurate sharing is impossible. For example, if one conversation is streaming video from a digital camera, it might constitute a large proportion of the total traffic, and this stream cannot be shared between the individual links.

- Thirdly, you have to think about how the ODUs will be managed. A problem arises with In-Band management of the ODUs, because the switch cannot guarantee to deliver management traffic on the correct physical link; it simply shares this like all other traffic. With PTP 800 you can configure Out-Of-Band management, so that management traffic is not on the aggregated link. This option is not available on PTP 600. It is available on PTP 650.

- We solved the management traffic issue using some Extreme switches by excluding certain destination addresses from the sharing mechanism. This was done using the command line interface to the switch. Something similar might be possible for the Netgear switch.

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Chart PTP.jpg

It is my site configuration.!

 I've tried everything with Netgear switches but management for both PTP fails to pass !

On your chart for PTP650 2+0 solution foe Extreme switches who is radio1,radio2,radio3 and radio4. Whether the master page Radio1 and Radio 3, or is in some other direction?

Please mark on picture who is radio1,radio2,radio3,radio4 !

This setup is just a 2x (1+0) setup. So it doesn't matter where the master is located. You are commpletely relying on the switch to aggregate the traffic. Keep in mind that inband management will not work. Because your management traffic may got hashed to the wrong link,

 Please mark in the drawing that the devices which MAC address, and mark ports on Extreme switches ( for example a device with a MAC address XX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX is connected to port x and so on )

It is your solution for PTP650 2+0 ?

PTP 650 2+0 solution with 3rd party switch

In the diagram in Message 4 above, we are using the Out-of-band Local management service with the PTP 650 ODUs. Only the Data service is connected in a LAG group. The management ports are two independent standard ports at each end of the link. That ensures that management traffic to the ODUs is not forwarded as part of the LAG group. This should work with any switch that supports LAG.

However, in your application, you have a PTP 600 ODU, and this cannot be configured for the Out-of-band Local management service. This means that PTP 600 cannot be used in the scheme shown in the diagram.

In your solution for PTP650 for 2+0 LAG ( )  is written :

For in band managment

If Inband is used so that management and payload traffic use the same Ethernet cable,one need
to make sure that the radio is always manageable.
1.You need to make sure that management traffic for radio on a link is hashed to the proper port that is
connected to the target radio.
Note that without proper configuration,it is possible that management traffic targeting radio on link #1
be hashed to the port that is connected the port for link#2 and as a result, the radio cannot be reached.
2.What if one of the link is down? You may be able to continue to manage the impaired radio link locally
but you will NOT be able to manage the remote impaired radio.
Switch Configuration Using Extreme switch as an example
3 rd party switch (Most Extreme switch supports this).
The following commands should be used to configure the switches to enable the LAG.
enable sharing <master - port> grouping <port - list> algorithm address - based <L2/L3_L4>
For example, if you use port 7 and 8 (each connects to the payload port of the PTP650)
for the LAG and use MAC address for load balance hashing,
you can use the following command:
enable sharing 7 grouping 7 - 8 algorithm address -based L2
Note that with this grouping setup, you will now refer to port #7 for any VLAN related configuration
because port 7 is the logical port for the LAG including port 7 and port 8.

If it is works for two PTP650  why would not work for combination PTP800 and PTP600 ( both in band managment ) ?

Please look at your solution !

According to the description of your solution should be added and a new diagram that would be drawn to the solution for Inband managment !

If we understand .

Inband management with this solution is possible but more complicate to achieve. So we dont recommend doing that. This kind of solution typically is offered via combium proffessional service. Meaning we would configure the Extreme switchs for the  customers for a fee. Otherwise, the customer would have to figure this on their own given their switch. Because configure commands are typically different.  

Inband should work in theory for PTP800 and PTP600 (although we have not test such a solution with mixture of products), as long as you know how to configure your switch so that the management traffic don't get hashed to the wrong port.

We have never test this solution with Netgear so I can't comment on whether Netgear will work.

We don't add a diagram for inband because it is NOT easy for the customer to do it. So we just say, it is possible....

Hope this help.


Hi Guys,

is this will work also for ePMP Force 110 PTP? does the explanation above will be same?