Licenses (ePMP Elevate)

If I have a business in Canada and Ukraine, can I buy elevate licenses and use them in both countries under one account

Hi Artem,

Yes, you can.
Licences are applied to the company account without binding to location.
Please note that only MT elevate licenses are currently available.

Thank you.

MT does it mean mikrotik?

Will UBNT work on old licenses? For example, there were 30 previously purchased licenses, I can connect 30 UBNT subscriber stations, and when I buy 10 new licenses, I can connect 10 more MT subscriber stations. Am I thinking right?


That’s correct.

Yes, you are thinking right.

There are no new licenses in Ukraine. What is the problem? And how long will there be support for Elevate MT?

Let me check with the local distributor and revert to you.

Thank you.