To avoid going into the PMP Links screen and mass changing (and recalculating everything) for each new project.
Hi Jesse,
You can use equipment templates to do this. See the following links for more information:
If you find yourself using the same configs in multiple projects, then you should also check out project templates:
My MacOS version of LinkPlanner crashed and a reinstall hasn’t fixed it, so it’s forced me onto the web version. Is it possible to use equipment templates in the web version of LinkPlanner?
Hi Jesse,
We support equipment templates for PMP network devices in web version, please refer the documentation
Hi Jesse,
To follow up on Vishnu’s comment. In the online tool, at the moment, if you are trying to add a block of Network Devices there is a template style wizard to help you configure the Network Device radio parameters and then apply them to a group of sites to quickly create a network device layer.
What we haven’t brought over from the desktop yet is the ability to allocate the SM product to be used on those network devices or to use a template to make a block update to an existing network (both network devices and SMs). Those features will come in a later release, where the priority will in part be dependent on the number of requests we get for each feature.
I don’t know if there is a solution for this, but when I add PMP links to an existing network, if the AP is 450M, the CPE is defaulting to 450i instead of my preferred 450b High Gain.
Same for ePMP 3000, CPE is defaulting to 300-16 when the default CPE we use is 300-25.
Can we set these defaults somewhere?
Hi Jesse,
There is no way to set this at the moment since we still need to add the full template functionality. For now you can configure the first subscriber as required and then use the “Copy from existing…” function to apply these settings to the other SMs.
See User Interface Tips — Cambium LINKPlanner Online Help (6.2.1) for more information.
How does LP decide to use the current defaults e.g. 300-16?
We just need a way to set global defaults, not even full templating.
The choice is made using the following process when creating a new link:
This part is currently only in the desktop version:
- Does the default template match the current AP? If it does then use the SM selection from there.
- If there are SMs attached to the AP then use the first SM as a template.
This is common to both and currently the only option in the online version:
- If all else fails, use the default SM product which is hard-coded for the AP product.
We will replicate the desktop behaviour in the online version, we just haven’t got to it yet. For now the “copy from” feature is the best option to use. We hope to have bulk editing in the September release which will make it easier to change settings across all SMs at the same time. Templates will be prioritised after than, but it may take a bit of time to get them working.
We’ll try to squeeze this behaviour in an earlier release - “use the first SM as a template”, which should help.
Use first SM as template would speed things up for sure.