LINKPlanner V6.0.0 now available in your browser

@Andrew_Haywood Do you have any update on when KML/KMZ export from online :LinkPlanner will be available? In an earlier post you said this wasn’t a priority, but that was a year ago. Are there plans to implement this?
For me this is one of the most useful features, along with the profile editor to plot obstruction heights on a path.
I mainly use the tool to look for link obstructions prior to drone surveys to identify the obstruction.



I can’t really give you a timescale for these features since the priority is to migrate the product families over and the features that they need. KMZ export and profile edits will be slotted in when we have some developer time available.

When we have put out calls for feedback on feature priority, we haven’t had many people asking for these 2 features. If more people request them then we can start working on them earlier.

For now you will need to continue to use the desktop version for these features, but they will be available in the online version at some point.



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