Log in seems painfully slow on F4525 radio

We have a PTP link that us using F4525 radio running 5.4.2STA firmware. Logging into the radio is very very slow. The connection of the radio looks good and we are not seeing any connectivity issues, but all our other radios load 10X faster than these do. We have 2 links with these radios and both of the links are similar in loading process. Any ideas as to why or what could be causing this?

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Could you please drop Tech Support Files to us please, so we could analyse better what the issue is.
How much traffic are you pushing through the link when the issue is seen?
Thank you.

I’ve been seeing the same thing when using a F4525 radio as a PTP, but only the AP side shows the issue. Loading the web GUI and using certain tools (Like making a tech support backup) slows down or drops traffic on the link too.

Help Request: 379302

Hi @BenJ
We had a similar issue before and it was fixed in Beta version. Can you please check if this continues to reproduce on Beta version 5.6.0-RC26 or please contact if you need a special version.

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That seems to have helped. Thanks!


I will upgrade our firmware over the weekend and let you know if I too see the improvement. Thank you.


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