Looking for a Solutions for PTP


I am looking for information on an alternative to PTP. Currently the company I work for uses PTP670 for Backhaul. And we are looking for an alternative for customers. I have seen the epmp Force 300-25 line and the 425 as an option and I wanted to know which of them is better overall.

Are they capable of changing frequency dynamically like the PTP670?

And what would be the maximum distance they reach?

I would appreciate any information you can provide.

Thanks in advance.

Hi. If you have the correct antennas and signals and SNR, then the Force 425 or Force 400c will be dramatically faster than a Force 325/300c series. The key will be getting signals as good as possible, in order to get the modulations up to DS11 – and then the Force 400 series will just fly. I’m very impressed with the performance of the Force 400/425 and I’ve posted some test results on these forums… they are VERY fast.

Cambium does now have DCS in the ePMP lineup, although I’ve never seen documentation or really understood how to use DCS. It is a relatively new feature to the ePMP lineup, and I would hazard to say that it’s not nearly as mature as in the PTP670 line.


If the spectrum you’re using is frequently trashed then you’re probably better off staying with the PTP670’s. The PTP670’s DSO is top notch and second to none… it has no other close rivals in any other Cambium radios. It can even be configured to be asymmetric. Tips to getting the most out of the PTP670:

  • If the radios are connectorized, use high quality high gain X-pol (dual-slant) antennas, ideally from KP Proline, RadioWaves, or RF Elements Ultradishes.
  • Stick to the 5.8GHz band for the highest EIRP, make sure your TX power is as high as legally possible
  • Set the Master radio’s Spectrum Expert to use Asymmetric DSO
  • Set the Link Symmetry to be “Adaptive”
  • Start with smaller channel widths and work your way up, trying to find the sweet spot where you can reach the highest Link Capacity value for a stable time period
  • Update the PTP670 links firmware

The 425 will give you greater bandwidth since it is AX, if you can get the SNR. The build quality is the same between the Force 300-25 and the 425. Another option to consider is the epmp 3000L with a horn Antenna. If you are not looking for more than 100Mbps, any of the Force 300-xx will do the job, just match the gain to the distance.

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I’m just curious as to why you’re looking for an alternative PTP solution; that should give us an indication on the best solution for yourself, the company you work for and their customers.

The new F425 with the latest firmware is a great alternative to the PTP670. A link is also a fraction of the cost of a PTP670 link. I just upgraded from a F300-25 link in a noisy environment on a 20MHz channel and ended up halving latency and doubling overall capacity. Recommended.