Loss of GPS alarm

Have you tried rebooting the APs? I was thinking of doing so during maintenance window tonight. I am sure I have tried it in the past and it didn’t clear them, but that was over a year ago. At least with the CFG_Import alarms you can just apply an empty template to clear them, but I have yet to find a solution. I was really hoping that upgrading to the latest cnm version would help, but no dice there.

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If I could get these alarms + the BSA alarms to clear, our cnm alarms would actually be accurate for the first time since we started using it on release…

I think the root cause of this is GPS state changes occurring while the device is disconnected from cnMaestro, so it misses the GPS state changing to a non-error state. We plan on adding logic to manually check the GPS state when a device comes online.

@Nekomata, what state are your BSA alarms in? In 3.1.0 we changed the severity levels of some of the states so if the smart antenna is disconnected with power off of if the smart antenna is connected with power on the alarm should clear.

Hey @Jordan, thanks for the response. I am going to try and reboot all of the devices with these alarms tonight during maintenance window, just to see if it helps at all.

The BSA alarms are showing “Smart Antenna is Disconnected, Power Off”, which is technically accurate. However, these APs never had a Smart Antenna in the first place, so I don’t really know how to resolve the alarms, other than actually attaching a smart antenna, which is not exactly feasible for a few reasons.

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There is also one alarm that is for Smart Antenna Connected, Power On, which I find somewhat comical.

Thanks for the info @Nekomata. Let me know if the reboot clears the alarms. Those alarms might have activated before 3.1.0 when the severity levels were changed. If no smart antenna events were sent by the device since then the alarm would not change state.

Hi Jordan, this is still a problem.

AP is on, connected to cloud cnMaestro.

Customer reported to us they are offline. We’ve logged into the AP, found the GPS sync is down, so radio has entered hold off mode.

No alarm raised in cnMaestro.

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@Anish FYI I’ve raised case 375969 about this. This issue has been affecting us for over 2 years now…

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We’ve been informed via ticket 375969 that when a GPS fails, only a notify severity level is set to the associated alarm. Can this urgently be changed to major - because it’s a major issue if there is loss of GPS, resulting in hold off resulting in all connected customers offline.

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@Jagdish_Girimaj is this something you can help with?

Notify events don’t trigger email alerts, minor major etc do.

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Hi @jessearcher,

Currently only alarms are notified via email and not events.


Hey @jessearcher , Jordan appears to not work at Cambium anymore. Last time on the forum was 8/2/23. Have you looked into utilizing a different software, maybe for only monitoring this specific event?

PRTG is free for up to 100 devices, so you could monitor these. Or a simple ping based monitor for known customer IP’s on your problem AP’s. Long ago I used IP Sentry, and it worked great for basic email alerts based on Ping.

@Navyashree_BN just to reiterate @jessearcher 's point - loss of GPS sync is a major issue and should trigger an alarm in cnMaestro, not just an event.


Vote for this, and share with others that are interested Custom Alarms in Maestro

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Yes you are right. But since the alarm is not reported, we are not receiving any email. This issue need to be fixed. We will update once the fix is available

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Jesse is correct - in no Universe is this a minor or just a ‘notify’ severity. A loss of GPS sync is a major issue and it should trigger an alarm in cnMaestro for sure. :+1:


Custom Alarms in Maestro Vote here to get their attention, hopefully they’ll move it into consideration

And tell your friends or Maestro users that would find this valuable. Custom alerts in a monitoring software is pretty standard.

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Yes, folks should vote. :+1: I’m honestly less optimistic these days, because it seems that these only appear as ‘PAID features’, but we still should vote and we can hope for the best. :crossed_fingers:

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Exactly – what is a minor issue to me, might be a critical issue to you or to someone else. :+1: