I am trying to do mac authentication in cambium ap. I have around 4000 mac addresses to authenticate them before letting them connect to the wifi. I want to know number of mac address that cnmaestro can authenticate for wireless users. Thank you…
You can add up to 10K MAC entries.
Can I authenticate and filter them all?
what is the expected filtering you are looking for? As of now, there is not filter option available, it’s just allow or deny listed mac addresses.
I want to authenticate the MAC address of users before connecting to Wifi and then only allow them to wifi. Is that possible for 10K MAC?
Cambium Wi-Fi Access Point has various filtering capabilities, like IP ACLs, Application ACL, DNS Filtering, client isolation, rate limiting etc. Based on the use case, any of these features can be used to allow/deny access.
I understand about the filtering services. Can we allow and deny 10K MAC addresses I want to know that.
Yes, allow and deny option is possible.
if allow is chosen, all the MAC are allowed, specific MAC address can be added to the ACL table to deny.
If deny is choose, all MAC addresses are denied, the MAC needs to be allowed can be added to the table.
Sharing default Allow configuration screenshot below.
I have made a simple configuration, i have added a mac_address_list.csv to a AP group i have created. The AP group i have created, has 3 wlans with 3 different VLANs, I want the mac address accept and deny policy to be adapted per VLANs, but i cannot apply these rules to each different wlans as it would not be effective solution. This is why i added the rule to the whole AP group itself, so can we on the basis of the VLANs accept and deny these MACs.
Acl are in the device level or client?
And what role does cnmaestro have when I block someone they are not blocked. In the Mac denied list. But have tried with the cnmaestro it blocked the clients even after closing it down.
I’ve rested my devices renew my configs your support member is trying to figure out . I hope he has a good grip and able to help me sorth things.
I need answers for cnmaestro managed Mac etc
Please let me know hot to find the setting in cnPilot E400.