Minimize Impact of configuration changes

Since my last post had no vote button :smiley: I will post it again here

I would like to request a feature that allows configuration changes to be applied without requiring a reboot or soft restart of the AP or radio. This capability would enable network operators to make updates across multiple devices without disrupting user connectivity or uptime.

Specific requirements include:

  • No restarts of radios when entering new EPsK.
  • No radio restarts when changing WLAN settings.
  • Changes within the AP group may require a restart, which is understood. However, modifications to objects such as WLAN and EPsK should not necessitate a radio restart.
  • Ideally, when making changes to a WLAN, only the specific SSID should soft reset, avoiding a full radio soft reset that could cause user disconnections.

This feature would significantly enhance operational efficiency and user experience by minimizing downtime and maintaining continuous connectivity. Thanks