OK, works with https now (minor headache getting it to always accept self-signed certs) and I'm working on audio in alignment.
Any other suggestions or requests, now would be the time.
BTW, for users on my employer's network I've previously had a slightly different app, both merging into one now. For you guys that means that there's a Config tab, but it's currently only able to modify the following fields:
DeviceName/SystemName (same data in both), SystemDescription(we use for location), bridging mode IP/subnet/gateway, latitude & longitude (with button to use android's GPS for these), height, priority, and MIR. (for MIR it has 0-9 available, with labels indicating how OUR APs are provisioning those service levels)
I'm planning to add the static/dhcp and nat/bridge/route toggles, and the relevant fields each exposes, but that might not happen this week.
If there's enough interest, I can look into allowing a custom config to be set (hopefully via imported text/XML file) to specify and name MIR levels, and choose from among a couple dozen editable fields. That would let you install the app where you need, import your own config and see/edit only the fields you want exposed. (If there's a LOT of interest from only a couple parties, it would probably be simpler to just code 3-4 different config tabs and have 3-4 seperate builds of the app)
I'm also planning to add the ability to push a previously-downloaded json or bin config, and possibly updated firmware, but those are a month or more away. The longer-term goal is for our installers to be able to fire up the app through the bucket truck's router, push a default config if needed (and eventually a new firmware if needed), aim the unit, and edit the handful of non-defaultable fields like IP and name.