Modulation Discrepancy

Has anyone else run into the issue with SMs showing they are registered with a 8x/3x MIMO-A or lower, but the AP shows them with a much better modulation(8x/4x MIMO-B)? I was wondering if this is a known issue. It seems to be more prevelant with the 450i / 450 SM registrations in my network. 

Isn't one side the Transmit and one Side the recieve? From what i understand 8x/4x means 8x capable 4x actual  not Transmit/Recieve so technically the rate the AP sees and the SM sees don't need to be the same and won't in most cases, or thats as i understand it.

Low on 1 side probably means higher noise near that side of the link

Yes that's what we had always been told Capable/Actual. I'm just wondering why there should be such a discrepancy and if it is causing us any througput issues. 

HEHE And you've now run into my issue! I"m still hopeful that someday Cambium will add dual sided spectrum reporting so from the AP side you can see on 1 page all the spectrum reports for the SM's as well as from the AP to see where you have issues. 

On your side, i'd say run a spectrum analysis on both the AP and SM side and see what the difference is.... What i do is start the client side, and then start the ap side immediately, so they both finish around the same time. This also helps i think because otherwise you'll see the AP on the SM scan and won't see if theirs actual co-channel interference.

Also something else to be aware if their isn't a decent bit of traffic on the SM it's numbers will be lower, i've seen radios on 8x/2x but if i run a flood link-test i'll actually be at 8x/8x, i suppose because the check for QAM is only seeing beacons when no traffic so it shows a low MCS. Or thats what i guess is the reason, so i always run a linktest before checking / confirming MCS levels.

@CSSup wrote:

HEHE And you've now run into my issue! I"m still hopeful that someday Cambium will add dual sided spectrum reporting so from the AP side you can see on 1 page all the spectrum reports for the SM's as well as from the AP to see where you have issues.  

On the AP, under Tools->Link Status, You can get both Uplink and Downlink statistics for each SM registered to the AP. 

@CSSup wrote:

 On your side, i'd say run a spectrum analysis on both the AP and SM side and see what the difference is.... What i do is start the client side, and then start the ap side immediately, so they both finish around the same time. This also helps i think because otherwise you'll see the AP on the SM scan and won't see if theirs actual co-channel interference.

On the AP under Tools->Spectrum Analyzer -> Timed Spectrum Analyzer, you can run a sector spectrum analysis where the AP and all the SMs run a specrum analysis at the same time. 

CSSup wrote: 

Also something else to be aware if their isn't a decent bit of traffic on the SM it's numbers will be lower, i've seen radios on 8x/2x but if i run a flood link-test i'll actually be at 8x/8x, i suppose because the check for QAM is only seeing beacons when no traffic so it shows a low MCS. Or thats what i guess is the reason, so i always run a linktest before checking / confirming MCS levels.

This is correct. When there is no traffic on the link, there aren't enough measurements to provide actual values for the link. Even the slightest of traffic will update the measurements and provide accurate readings.