need some help with snmp


I have not use snmp before. Need some help with following:

<begin of data>
2004-07-20 02:55:46 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=51840100 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value="<010><000>> <002>€"
2004-07-20 10:56:15 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=54722200 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value=<010><000>>ð£·
2004-07-20 20:02:12 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=57997600 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value=<010><000>>ð£·
2004-07-21 02:55:53 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=60480100 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value="<010><000>> <002>€"
2004-07-21 07:18:57 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=62057600 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value=<010><000>>ð£·
2004-07-21 11:29:08 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=63549800 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value=<010><000>>ð£·
2004-07-22 02:49:32 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=69067700 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value="<010><000>> <002>€"
2004-07-22 02:58:16 Local7.Info community=public agent_ip= version=Ver2 var01_oid= var01_value=69120100 var01_mib_name=sysUpTimeInstance var02_oid= var02_value= var02_mib_name=snmpTrapOID var03_oid= var03_value=2 var04_oid= var04_value="<010><000>> <002>€"
<end of data>

How can I figure this out? What is var02,var03,var04? How do I define what information the canopies pass to snmp server?

Thanks for any and ALL of your Help!


The data looks like “registration complete” and “registration lost” traps received from a Canopy SNMP agent.

Basically, each trap contains

- Information about the agent (IP, SNMP version and trap community)
- Time stamp when the server sends out this trap.
- The name and OID of the trap
- For the registration complete/lost trap specifically, there is information (LUID and MAC) about the SM which completed/lost the registration.

You can’t define how and when the traps are sent, but you can disable/enable Canopy Enterprise Traps (Registration and GPS sync)


Thanks for reply. Part of your comment:
"You can’t define how"

Do you mean that the snmp trap can only send predefined information? Can the canopy be configured to send other data? If so how?


I doubt you will find any embedded product (like Canopy is) that will allow you to define different traps. I have not looked at snmp.conf on the AP though so who knows.

Anyway, you must configure your trap reciever to properly interpret this information, store it, alarm on it, or whatever.