NetDecision 3.7 has been released.

NetMechanica is proud to announce the release of NetDecision 3.7 (network management system). The new version introduces greatly enhanced MIB Browser, TrapVision and LogVision as well as many other enhancements and features.

New features:

* Brand new Query Bar in NetDecision MIB Browser allows user to configure quick polling and view polling results in form of history table or graphical chart. The Query Bar also allows user to export the polling results into text (CSV, TSV) files and capture charts as bitmaps.

* NetDecision TrapVision now provides powerful visualization for received traps. The user can group traps by any number of fields.
New Quick Reports window in TrapVision provides user with a simple pie chart representing a summary information about traps currently listed in the main wiew.

* NetDecision LogVision now provides powerful visualization for received messages. The user can group messages by any number of fields.

* NetDecision Script Language now provides new elseif keyword. Using elseif keyword allows users to avoid having multi-level if…endif statements when you need switch-like logic.

* NetDecision Script Language now provides functions for universal query access to text-based data such as log files, CSV files and TSV files, as well as key data sources on the Windows operating system such as the Event Log, the Registry and Active Directory. With NetDecision Query functions you use Queries written in a dialect of the SQL language to have all advantages of SQL. The following new functions are available:
- LDAPQuery - Enumerates the Active Directory objects in the Active Directory Container.
- REGQuery - Enumerates local or remote registry keys and values.
- CSVQuery - Parses comma-separated values text files.
- TSVQuery - Parses tab-separated values text files.
- EventLogQuery - Returns events from the Windows Event Log and from Event Log backup files (.evt files).
- TextLineQuery - Returns lines from generic text files.
- TextWordQuery - Returns words from generic text files.
- FSQuery - Enumerates the files and directories matching the search path(s) specified in the query.

* NetDecision Script Language now provides functions to work with serial ports. These functions allow the user to manage serial RS-232 connection to a copliant device, read data from serial ports and send commands via serial connections. To communicate via serial connection, you must first open serial session by using OpenSerialPort() function. At the end of your script the serial session must be closed by using CloseSerialPort() function. The following new functions are available:
- OpenSerialPort - Opens a serial connection using specific serial port.
- CloseSerialPort - Closes a serial connection previously opened by OpenSerialPort function.
- IsSerialDataAvailable - Checks if a data is available for reading.
- ReadSerialData - Reads incoming data from a serial connection.
- WriteSerialData - Sends data via serial connection.

* NetDecision Script Language now provides functions to support WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). You can use NetDecision WMI functions within scripts to automate administrative tasks on remote computers and supply management data to other parts of your management system. Working with WMI functions in NetDecision is very similar to working with database. WMIQuery function provides the result in the same manner as DBSelect function - in the form of two-dimensional array containing table data. To communicate via WMI connection, you must first open a connection to remote host using WMIOpen() function. At the end of your script the connection must be closed by using WMIClose() function. The following new functions are available:
- WMIOpen - Open a WMI connection to a remote computer.
- WMIClose - Closes a WMI connection previously opened by WMIOpen function.
- WMIQuery - Queries remote host via WMI connection using the WMI Query Language (WQL).
- WMIGetErrorStatus - Returns the detailed description of the last occurred WMI error.

Find out more at:
MIB Browser:

30-days evaluation version is available at:

NetMechanica Team